Running The Athlete's Diet For Your Daily Life: For Young Soccer (Football) Players
Diet is actually a healthy program that can be done by normal people in regular base in order to have a healthy body or better, an athletic body. Among lots of diet program, one of the coolest one that I would highly recommend for most of you active people is the Athlete's diet or you could call them the soccer players diet. This interesting insight is pretty much an accidental findings that I discovered as I was browsing news about my favorite soccer club Ac Milan and in an interview , the team's doctor and chef both share a great info about what athlete diet is.
Basically athlete's diet is a method in preserving the nutrition of the food that a certain athlete takes daily, which can actually be different depends on the work that the person is doing on the day. As an example if an athlete is scheduled to do more gym work then it is advisable that they get more protein as their diet nutrition, meanwhile after playing a game (for soccer player, basketball player, etc) then they should acquire more carbohydrate. Another example of the things that can be done on this diet is to consume some of this important meals such as pasta(low sugar/fat ones), vegetables, meat, fish and most importantly water.
Another good tips that people can also do in trying out this athlete's diet in your daily routine is paying a good attention on the food that is completely banned to consume, such as fried food, creamy food, butter and also meals with heavy sauce on it. Those kind of food are pretty much should be avoided for athlete's at least when they are under preparation for a game or any sporting activities, because such meals are difficult to digest so it would be bad for the their body.
Although this type of diet are specifically are made for athletes, you can also do it for your daily routines, though few adjustment here and there can be done. It was pretty much informed in the previous text, that all of the food and nutrition that you need to consume for the diet depends a lot on the activity you will be and has been doing. Because of that it would be advisable to look for professionals help to determine the specific food that you can eat daily, or you can do it yourself by browsing to health sites, reading health books, just remember that the important thing is you should really know about the amount of calories that are stored in foods so you could list the things you can and cannot eat.
Off course this kind of diet is easily done by most athlete as they do have doctors, nutritionist that handles their every meals daily, however with a proper knowledge any people including you can do it too, especially with the fact that this kind of diet does provides lots of positive things for our body. By doing this type of diet we can exercise regularly without any problems, getting the perfect weight for our body, loosing lots of unnecessary fat and also living a more healthy and discipline life.
Here is some of the simple chart of nutritions for Athlete's diet:
Consuming 65 % of Complex Carbohydrates
Consuming 10 to 15 % of Fat
Consuming 10 % of protein
another addition is consuming health supplements such as Vitamin and Minerals according to the perfect dosage off course.
written by Dewa Nugraha